Well, we are finished with our first semester at China Tree School. Dan and I feel like things went well especially with the classes for the 5+ year olds, but we struggled abit with the "little ones". I know we worried and struggled over this class, but just couldn't get this little ones class to "click"! We know the issues were varied but found out this the most difficult class to teach.
Seems simple enough, teach a little language, learn some Chinese games, sing some songs, but the "vibe" of the class comes from the teachers. We have found out how difficult it is to find preschool teachers who teach Chinese language. If you talk to the Chinese people they don't understand how a class doesn't involve, for use of a better term, "strict learning". I guess in some ways it is really against their grain. We have had to really work with our other teachers to get them to "lighten up" and just look at learning Chinese as fun! In talking with all our teachers they have never experienced the concept of "learning is fun" as they have gone through school!! We are going to make some changes in the school for January, and will probably discontinue the little ones class for awhile until we can correct these issues. I wrote some thoughts in our newsletter and feel so passionate about these kids learning and embracing this wonderful language! We will move into our next semester in early January and just thought I would share our newsletter with you, if you'd like to take a look...just go to:
www.chinatree.org ....We are very excited to start a new China Tree school in Gwinnett in January and we are also getting ready to open another one in Nashville, TN in the fall! Now those are some southern talkin Chinese folks!! All the China Tree classes will begin at ages 5+ and we will no longer offer classes for the little ones until they reach age 5. We are excited to help more kids around the Atlanta area and have just received our 501C3 (non-profit status).
We look forward to bringing our newest addition to the class -- we just have to go get her! Lucy
Glad that China Tree is going well! I look forward to Laney going when she's old enough. Hope you're doing well. We miss you!!
That's wonderful news! You guys certainly stay busy. Miss seeing you.
J, P & N
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