Thursday, April 3, 2008

First Friday - April Check This Out!

We hope you can join us for a great First Friday this month! We will be walking through attachment issues, grief, rejection, jet lag, and the first week home ( the wonderful world of sleep deprivation). Our incredible panel of guest will discuss first hand their experiences and share with us the "real stuff" about what you may encounter during your Perfect Storm!!

During our preparation for this months FF, I have learned so much from two wonderful ladies, Liz Steinberger and Kim Perry. I have always thought of attachment as just something that happened and then you were "good to go", boy was I wrong. I also didn't realize that "all" kids who come from the background our children come from, either foster care or orphanage care are "special needs" kids. These kids have missed so much and in listening to Liz and Kim, they have "painted a clear picture" of what "needs" these kids really have.

The most amazing thing was that I was unaware, even though we have MiMi, who is now 5, how important it is as a parent to become an expert in attachment. I have learned over the past month not to be afraid of attachment issues but to learn as much as possible because this is what will help you guide and become you child's cheerleader! Dan and I want to be the ones to really understand MiMi's grief, not just on "gotcha Day", but today and everyday as she looks pleadingly into our eyes looking for the answers to "why did my birthmom leave me?" "did she not have enough dollars or what?" "what was she thinking when she left me there on those steps, was she sad?" "why does this hurt my heart, I don't even know who she is? ....these are the things each of us must work through with our kids we love so much. The reality is that they each have "a story", but the details need to sometimes be told and retold and this is our job.
It's complex and complicated as Dan always says, but this is why we are the ones who are adopting, because we said "yes" and that simple answer will change your life.

Dan and I love our girls and find parenting them to be such a privilege. With the help of many great friends and our FF community we are excited to become experts about attachment and "all the issues" that come along with adoption. We hope you come out Friday night to learn more and share this adoption journey with all of us.

FYI - two new things coming this month....First Fridays Rescue Chef and Lifeline Teams.....all the details coming Friday night!


Unknown said...

We'll be there, and are so grateful to have the opportunity to learn.

Special K said...

Thanks for making sure we are aware of these issues. The presentation was really helpful!

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