Friday, August 10, 2007

First Day of School

First day of school
Carpool - MiMi and Mrs Vinson (my teacher last year)
So far so good ....we had a great first day and Grace and MiMi both have terrific teachers, know lots of kids, so it's starting to feel like a family! Both of our girls go to Mt. Paran Christian school and we say a prayer every morning before we walk out the door and thank God for this spirit-filled place and the teachers who are so committed to walking with the Lord as they teach "our" children. Grace said wow 1st grade is alot of work, but continues to love bible study and sharing her love for the Lord with her classmates. She recites Isaiah 58:11 on a regular basis "The Lord will guide you always: He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." She has grown so much this past summer, both in size and maturity!
MiMi is in preK4 with a great teacher, MiMi says, "Mrs. Laton can really get things done"! MiMi's favorite thing continues to be crafts and painting or coloring. That girl could definitly head up the "cut and color" club. She knows many of the kids now and really knows her way around the school! Go MiMi!!
We had some tears (only me) on the first day of school. I really enjoy being with my girls, we talk and laugh, and just have such a good time. So now, when I pick them up from school we really have alot to talk about!!
On an adoption note, our dossier should be in China and we are waiting for our LID! The last two weeks we really pushed the paperwork, which I credit CCAI for doing an amazing job, as usual, to get the documents reviewed, translated and then out the door! These guys are good!!
So now we pray for Hope who is waiting, unknowingly, in China for us to come get her. We asked China for a 4 year old, which would make her about two years old right now! I wonder if she can feel our prayers for her? I wonder if they have ladybugs in China? Our prayer is that she be a little light for those who work around her and care for her, for her to touch any missionary teams who come through, and for her to help others to know Christ as she acts just a little different. We believe as we pray for her she can can also plant a seed in some of the lives she touches, we may never know, probably won't, but we do know God will use this little child to plant a seed in someone or many as she waits for us and we wait for her!


Tammy said...

Glad to hear you are off to a smooth school start. I am right behind you starting our routine on Monday. WOW! Not sure where the summer went, but it is definitely gone and, while my kids are declaring boredom today because I have them working like little slave drivers getting ready for the week, they are quickyl realizing summer fun has come to a close. Can't wait to hear you have your LID! Looking forward to coffee time soon! :)Love ya, my friend!

Shari U said...

So, they're off running! I'm glad to hear they had a good week. Alison missed them both so much this week. I think it's wonderful you say a prayer with them before they go to school. What a great way to start the day.

Heather said...

awe..I believe she feels your prayers....our Lord has known she will be your daughter for quite some time now.

..looking forward to your news of LID.

Lily will have surgery on 9/4. I look to connect with you soon to share details.

The Evans Family said...

Oh, the Chapman girls are growing up! Grace is such a sweet, wonderful influence on others. MiMi is just such a free spirit; it will fun to sweet how Hope fits into the mix!
Hope this is great school year; both at Mt. Paran and at Kennesaw Chinese Academy!

Unknown said...

Hope you have a great school year! What a tender heart Grace has. Your girls are very special.