Can we eat this?
Surfing the waves was "the bomb"!
In the past, we were big vacationers, but over the last two years, we have spent less and less time just relaxing. This past week was awesome for all of us and everyone got something out of the trip! Dan and I had great talks, read two books together, Rock Solid Marriage and Five Love Languages, two great books that were so insightful and helpful to continue our journey together and build strength in our marriage. Thank you Tammy N. for being such an amazing sister in Christ and introducing us to these two books, the timing was perfect!
Grace and Mimi each found their own" wow" moments on this trip... Grace continues to grow closer to Jesus as her heart is changing, we are beginning to see God show her himself and the cool part is that she knows it! MiMi is just too cute and as only MiMi can do so well, she discovers all the unique things we wouldn't ever see! The unusual crabs, the rainbow after the storm, the jellyfish that washed up on the beach, the biggest crab claw ever ....
On an adoption note .... we got our I-797 back just before we left and when we came home we had almost all the other documents back from "out there" in paperchase world, so now it's finish up the final few Consulate packs and then get everything to Jaime, hopefully before August 10th! This is our goal and our timeline is really getting close, but we feel confident everything should be to China before the end of August! yea!
School starts in a week and a half! We all feel ready, rested and excited to get the school year started! As MiMi says, let's get this party started!!